Pitch your next project to AniMate
pitch it to animate!
Pitching competition
Animation Film Makers worldwide can now submit their animation Project to AniMate.
The best project will receive a cash prize as a contribution to produce your next AniMated film!
Depending on sponsorships, donations, membership and submission fees, we will update the cash prize amount as it goes up. In this page you will find the latest updates on the cash prize value.
current prize value:
Applications are now Closed
the pitching competition is sponsored by:
Submitting your Pitch
Animation Film Makers worldwide can now pitch their animation project to AniMate. Submissions are to be made via our FilmFreeway page by choosing the Category:
- Pitching Competition
The Pitching Competition Awards
The materials received will be submitted to a jury made of industry professionals. The winning project will receive a cash price meant to be an incentive for the production of your next project; once produced, your film will automatically be a Finalist at the next season of AniMate; your film, once completed, will therefore be screened and can be voted among the potential winners of the Festival. Your film could also be selected for the AniMate Online Film Festival. The cash price increases regularly thanks to our ticket sales at our events, film-makers submissions and membership fees. The current amount is found on above on this page.
Core Materials to be submitted:
- Synopsis;
- A list of identified potential audiences for your film;
- A video with your pitch (no more than 6 minutes in length).
Optional additional materials:
- Scripts;
- Storyboard;
- Marketing plan (how to make your film commercially valuable);
- Animated films you may submit to AniMate before the last deadline of this Season can also assist the jury assess your skills and capabilities as an Animation Film Maker. In this case please include a mention to your submitted films at the end of the Synopsis document.
All materials, including the Video Pitch, can be uploaded with your submission on Film Freeway. Any additional materials will help the jury gain a better understanding of your capabilities, so the more you submit the more chances you give the jury to better assess your pitch.
However, you can choose to submit the Core Materials only. You can upload your pitching video and materials via the dedicated section on Film Freeway If you find any difficulties while enclosing your materials or films, please contact us.
The Jury will consider: the film-maker’s professional, artistic and technical abilities by assessing the films and the materials you have submitted, the originality of the project and its potentials to be distributed and promoted, and the value of its overall content.
A mention of the AniMate contribution will be required in the credit of your film once produced; the text to be included will be provided.
Sponsor our Festival
If you have a business or you think you can in any way sponsor or support our community festival, please be in touch! We would love to hear from you. Get in touch today!